Transitions & Reflections…..

The frenzel lenses on lighthouses of the Outer Banks, lighting the way, keeping sailboats off the shoals.

So many things to enjoy, on the high seas or in the heartlands, John Muir might have said it best when he said:

“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” ― John Muir

The frenzel lenses on lighthouses of the Outer Banks, lighting the way, keeping sailboats off the shoals.
The frenzel lenses on lighthouses of the Outer Banks, lighting the way, keeping sailboats off the shoals.

We’ve embarked on a new transitional phase in heading toward s/v Winterlude.  We’re exploring with our Lance travel trailer places we’ve been close to in the boat.

Just yesterday we paddled Milltail Creek in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge.  Last time we were close to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, we were worried about getting Winterlude under the Alligator River Bridge before the winds picked up – they close the bridge in high winds.  Coming the other way up the Alligator River was a Swedish flagged sailboat who called us on the VHF & said “are you listening to the radio” — no, we weren’t.    “Turn it on, a plane just flew in to the World Trade Center in New York City”.  WHAT?

Paddling in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge.
Paddling in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge.

So for now, we’re headed toward s/v Winterlude … but enjoying life in the new travel trailer for 6 weeks to get there.  We left Illinois, stopped at the New River Gorge (now a National Park or something …) and on to Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

Sandstone Falls, New RIver Gorge National Park
Sandstone Falls, New RIver Gorge National Park

If you want to follow the next six weeks of our adventures, we’ll be over at our new website “Trailer Traveler”.  I decided that while there are some topics equally interesting to both Commuter Cruisers and Trailer Travelers, travel adventures with our trailer might lose some of our Commuter Cruiser readers.  So hence the separation.

Unfortunately it hasn’t gone as smoothly as we projected.  Trailer Traveler is still under construction, but the Blog page has updates from our adventures.

Trailer Traveler

Mid-November, we’ll be back aboard s/v Winterlude and back to being Commuter Cruisers … and regular Commuter Cruiser posts.

Reflections at Babcock State Park
Reflections on life at Babcock State Park

In the meantime, I’ll write some cruising posts just for fun, but if you want to see what we’re up to day to day, “Like” us on Facebook to get all the Trailer Traveler posts in your news feed.  Or if you’re not on Facebook, you can go directly to the Trailer Traveler Blog page – the site is still under major construction but the Blog posts are working.

This Commuter Cruiser/Trailer Traveler lifestyle is really exciting so far!  See you down the road – or in the Florida Keys or Bahamas/Exumas this winter!  Cheers!  Jan




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