What to Do In Key West

Awake to another glorious day in Key West ... roosters in residence!

What to do when you see this every morning for the next seven days?  Enjoy life in the moment!  (I have to remind myself frequently).  Our weather window has no 20 in the forecast and we’re not overjoyed about a small craft warning either… so….


Photos are worth a thousand words.  Enjoy Key West!

Good Morning!

Awake to another glorious day in Key West ... roosters in residence!
Awake to another glorious day in Key West … roosters in residence!

Watching the colorful mornings, enjoying Stock Island Marina Village.

Sunrise at Stock Island Marina Village
Sunrise at Stock Island Marina Village

A stroll around the marina shows at a glance who’s arrived and departed.  Here’s When & If …

1939, General George Patton's
1939, General George Patton’s “When & If” – commissioned to sail around the world “When and If I survive this war” …. sadly it never got to circumnavigate … yet.

And Archimedes — 176 feet, one of the world’s largest mega-yachts.

Megayacht Archimedes at Stock Island Marina Village. You just never know what the next day will bring!
Megayacht Archimedes at Stock Island Marina Village. You just never know what the next day will bring!

Then it’s decision time … will we go sailing, soak up sun (and scenery) at the beach, kayak or dinghy to the sandbar, explore Fort Zachary Taylor, or climb the lighthouse, stroll through Key West Cemetary, or simply wander down Duvall Street …

Fort Zachary Taylor State Park Beach may be the best beach on Key West.
Fort Zachary Taylor State Park Beach may be the best beach on Key West.
Kayak to the sandbar, one of my favorite past times.
Kayak to the sandbar, one of my favorite past times.
Fort Zachary Taylor, fun to explore, great place to watch the Key West Channel Ship and boat traffic.
Fort Zachary Taylor, fun to explore, great place to watch the Key West Channel Ship and boat traffic.
Of course, don't miss Duvall Street - a stroll down Duvall is good for endless entertainment ... and it's FREE!
Of course, don’t miss Duvall Street – a stroll down Duvall is good for endless entertainment … and it’s FREE!
Roosters seem sacred here, hence colorful rooster sculpures for sale - you can take one of these guys home to your yard for $299. :)
Roosters seem sacred here, hence colorful rooster sculpures for sale – you can take one of these guys home to your yard for $299. 🙂
Wall art ... popular around the island.
Wall art … popular around the island.
Blow out a flip flop? No problem!
Blow out a flip flop? No problem!
Conch Blowing in the Conch Capital of the US!
Conch Blowing in the Conch Republic!
A stroll through the Key West Cemetary is a trip back in time. The earliest gravestone is 1929, the latest, most recent 2016. 75,000 souls reside here, with only 26,000 residents in Key West!
A stroll through the Key West Cemetary is a trip back in time. The earliest gravestone is 1829, the latest, most recent 2016. 75,000 souls reside here, with only 26,000 residents in Key West!
Ah yes, the iconic photo of the Southernmost Point Marker... 90 miles to Cuba ....
Ah yes, the iconic photo of the Southernmost Point Marker… 90 miles to Cuba ….

Wow, after all that, it’s time to head back to the marina and shower for the iconic sunset celebration at Mallory Square … But first we were distracted by the iguana sunning himself on our neighbor’s bow…

Did I mention iguanas in the marina? This one on our neighbor's bow.
Did I mention iguanas in the marina? This one on our neighbor’s bow.

Ah yes, sunset at Mallory Square … the views, the crowds, the street performers …

Cruise Ship departs Key West just at sunset (no blocking the view!)
Cruise Ship departs Key West just at sunset (no blocking the view!)
Mallory Square Sunset Crowds turn out for street entertainers (juggling fire, walking tightropes, pigs jumping through flaming hoops ....) and those famous Key West Sunsets.
Mallory Square Sunset Crowds turn out for street entertainers (juggling fire, walking tightropes, pigs jumping through flaming hoops ….) and those famous Key West Sunsets.
Sunset from Mallory Square features the tall ships and square rigger sunset sails.
Sunset from Mallory Square features the tall ships and square rigger sunset sails.

Good night Key West!  As the sun sinks behind the horizon, it’s time to check the weather forecast to see if anything has changed!   Enjoy!




  1. Key West is for partying, not boating…Your lucky to get 3-10 days of somewhat nice weather. Go to the fort in two days – weather sets in and your stuck for 10 days with no support from the park service. The weather service uses a disclaimer – swells could be three times higher than prediction 3 to 5 is really 9 – 15 feet. The wind is mostly blowing which keeps KW nice but the Gulf Stream going east and the winds out of the east gives us some beautiful swells. Sometimes the commercial boats will not go out. Bottom line is the best place to party and party…been here 10+ years and not tired of it yet…We also have four live Broadway type shows, the best food ever. It Is Not Cheap!!! The wages are very low so you have to bring it with you – one has to pay to play.


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