Enjoying the Looper Lifestyle

Friends at Game Night in Green Turtle Bay.

Before we started The Great Loop, we thought we had an idea of what the Looper Lifestyle would entail – after all, we’d lived aboard our sailboat for over 22,000 miles.  But we found that the Looper Lifestyle was different.

First, when you join the American Great Loop Cruisers’ Association (AGLCA), you automatically have hundreds of friends you haven’t met yet. Another Looper claims this flag is better than a puppy for attracting friends!  Friends to grab a bit of dinner, to enjoy the sunset over docktails, to explore with, to visit the local farmers market, to commiserate with over a lock delay … just friends.

Playing LCR, an easy dice game allowing plenty of camaraderie… meeting new friends and renewing old acquaintances.

Unlike other friends, your Looper friends automatically “get it”.  They understand what we’re doing and maybe even why.  It’s nice to know, that anytime we see a Looper flag flying on a boat, they’re automatically friends we haven’t discovered yet.

Loopers Bonfire at Green Turtle Bay, Grand Rivers, Kentucky

The MOST IMPORTANT part of the Looper Lifestyle is to MAKE IT YOUR OWN!  Before we started, we heard this again and again, but until we began the Loop, it didn’t make sense.  There will be Loopers traveling faster than you, there will be Loopers spending much more time in places than you, some Loopers will want to “experience” everything each out of the way place has to offer, some skip through like there’s nothing worth experiencing anywhere.

Whatever you decide is your style, make it your own Loop.  Go as fast or as slow as you prefer.  If you want to stay an extra day to see something or do something, stay – don’t go just because everyone else is leaving.  Believe me, there will be more Loopers just behind them and you’ll meet a whole new group of friends.

Looper friends take photos of the big events – unplanned this happened to us in both the big Trent Severn Locks – Peterborough Lift Lock and The Big Chute.

Finishing the Loop in a year, means you’ll be on the move.  Almost every day – or at least every other day.  Maybe that’s why so many do the Loop over multi-years or do another Loop after the first one is under their belts.  Moving regularly can be tiring.  We try to plan places we can just “be” for a bit.

Find out what the area is known for and go for it! In Charlevoix (and Petoskey) they’re known for Petoskey and Charlevoix stones – so we went beachcombing and found our own!

Sometimes weather intervenes to slow you down and let you spent multiple days as it did in Michigan. But spending time in Mackinaw City and Charlevoix was not overly awful.  And there were all those Looper friends to hang out with.

Manistee Michigan was an unplanned stop, but we found a US Coast Guard Buoy Tender – same as the one David served on in Puerto Rico – so I got to see where he lived for 2 years!

For us sharing with family and friends was part of the fun of the Looper Lifestyle.  We had family join us in Florida, to cruise the Chicago River between skyscrapers, to experience the locks and just to sleep on a boat.  My favorite exclamation from one of our 5 year old grandsons was “I woke up on a BOAT!”.

Andy, Jackie, Gillian, Dane & little Lincoln all “woke up on a BOAT!”.
Rowan and Chase spent a week aboard in Florida.

Exploring the area and experiencing local was also a high priority for our Loop.  We enjoyed local wine in Ontario (and other locations), ate the local cuisine specialties – from redfish in Mississippi to shrimp n grits in South Carolina … too many local experiences to remember here….

Butter Tarts in Campbellford (along the Trent Severn Canal in Ontario).

If we didn’t already have plans, we’d research our next stop on Trip Advisor to see what there was to do – from the FAME Recording Studio in Muscle Shoals, to the Shiloh National Battlefield, to the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame in Parry Sound, Georgian Bay Ontario and so much more.

Visiting the control tower at Peterborough Lift Lock in the Trent Severn Canals – courtesy of an introduction to the Lock Master … from a former Looper, of course.
How often do you get to kibitz with the Lock Master at Peterborough Lift Lock!

The experience itself provides some of the fun … below we were staying on the lower lock wall along the Trent Severn and were invited by the lock staff to help with the manual lock opening/closing.

Opening lock gates is harder than it looks – no wonder all those employees are college kids!

Sometimes Looper friends are long time friends that you’ve cruised with before such as Optimystique and Blue Moon, and sometimes they’re someone you just met.  But whenever you met, you can be assured that you’ll be crossing paths with different boats the entire year, so be prepared!  I call it hopscotching.  Right now we’re with Blue Moon, but they’ll leave before we can get our bottom paint completed and we’re hoping Sea Trolley, Dream Quest, and Texas 2 Step will catch up.  It’s a never ending friend circle and it’s wonderful!

Optimystique & Blue Moon, Savannah, GA

Playing cards, playing dominoes, playing games, Loopers like to get together for any excuse.  Making new friends and renewing old acquaintances…

Mahi Mahi provides the music for docktails in Alton Illinois.

Of course, Docktails.  Here Mahi Mahi entertains old friends and new with music at Docktails in Alton, Illinois.

Sharing downtown Chicago with brother Jeff & sister-In-law Tammy.

Some places we stopped had special significance, such as re-visiting the US Naval Academy from when our son when to school there, or David getting to re-visit where he went to training camp for the Coast Guard…

Hello again, USNA!
Where David’s Coast Guard career started, Cape May New Jersey.

Five star cuisine in the strangest out of the way places… there was one restaurant open the evening we were in Forest River Marina, Belhaven, North Carolina… Belhaven holds a special significance for us as well – we stopped here on our first trip down the ICW the night of Sept 11, 2001.

Boy, were we surprised! Spoon River, Looper Favorite Restaurant, Belhaven NC

Like friends everywhere, Looper friends watch out for Loopers.  It’s rare to pull into a marina and not have Looper friends waiting to catch lines and help you in a slip.

Sometimes we even ran into non-Looper friends on the water, such as in Georgian Bay with Carleen & Jim aboard their trimaran.

The Looper Lifestyle means living from marina to marina or anchorage.  It means getting supplies and laundry along the way … which is yet another part of the adventure.  Borrow the marina courtesy car with another couple to run to WalMart – make new friends.  Sit in the laundry room with your laundry and you’re likely to meet more Loopers.

If you have Bucket List items that can be experienced along the way, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity!

Read the AGLCA morning Forum … you’ll learn so much that adds to the experience along the way… like when we visited Parry Sound, someone on the forum had been raving about their sea plane trip in Parry Sound and riding in a sea plane was on my Bucket List…

So many experiences and friends as yet unimagined will all come your way when you set out on YOUR Loop.  Enjoy every minute, take advantage of every opportunity!

Don’t forget to have at least 500 boat cards … you’ll need them!  We have a stack at least 4″ high and we still have 1,500 miles left on our Loop!  We might run out!!!

Oops, out of time, got to go!  Friends waiting to borrow the courtesy car to go visit the World’s Only Apron Museum in Iuca Mississippi!


  1. Hey Jan! Still following along, still tickled to read about your adventures! Ours has taken an unexpected turn, of course, with a challenging adjustment period, but we’re starting to find a groove. Closing on a house to rehab tomorrow, and the dumpster arrives the day after! Hope to be back on Sionna – at least part time – next winter.


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