Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Tag: passport 37

Keeping Teak Pristine

Beautiful reflective glassy varnish is not as hard as I imagined. Here are sv Winterlude's results after the first two years converting to varnish from cetol and step by step photo essay on how we do the maintenance.

US Navy Tiger Cruise

A very different kind of cruising -- a US Navy Tiger Cruise from Pearl Harbor Naval Station to San Diego. Travel with us for 10 days aboard a "big deck" Navy ship with Marine helicopters, Harrier Jets, LCAC, LCUs and a complete US Marine City in the hold!

No Davits? How to Hang a Dinghy.

If you're headed for cruising outside US waters, you'll need a way to keep your dinghy and outboard safe from theft. Davits are nice, davits...

Replacing Black Caulk in Teak: Step by Step Photos

If you have teak, sooner or later you'll have to replace the black caulk. Here are step by step instructions with photos. WARNING! DO NOT STEP IN THE GOOEY BLACK CAULK! Ask me how I know...

Kayak Rack Specifics: Photo Essay

Several people have asked where we got our kayak racks since my kayak article appeared in the December 2012, Cruising World Magazine, click here...

New Best Cockpit Light! Solar! Under $15!

WOW! A new solar light that lights up my whole cockpit for dinner and costs less than $15! More here....

Cruising Show Stoppers?

There are a few things that are Show Stoppers, whether you want to cruise to the next cove or next country....

Splash! 5 Tips From On The Hard to In The...

Be ready to launch your boat from a Travel Lift. 5 important tips and considerations often overlooked, even by experienced captains!

Creating Your Own “Space” On a Boat

How do you manage to have time alone or time for your own hobbies aboard a tiny cruising boat? Please leave comments or comment on Facebook to share how alone time is managed on your boat.

Lifestyle: How to Live on a Boat

Ever wonder how two people actually live aboard a boat and don't kill each other? After all, our living space is about 100 square feet -- YIKES! When I think about it like that it even scares ME! Here are some tips!