Chris Parker Weather: Watch LIVE!


I didn’t realize that Chris Parker has a web weather version until some friends told us yesterday. (THANKS David & Patty!) When you’re stuck in a marina waiting for a weather window and have wifi, this webcast goes great with a cup of coffee!  This morning we “listened” and watched as he talked with cruisers from Colombia to the Bahamas.  The web version has cool graphics – it’s Chris’ computer desktop so we got to watch the same weather data that he’s looking at.  It runs over the course of Chris’ SSB broadcast weather, so something like 6:30 AM – 9 AM Monday through Saturday.  There will be breaks in between the nets as he prepares for the next net, so if you sign on and don’t see anything happening, it’s likely to be between broadcasts.  Very interesting stuff!

Click Here For Chris Parker’s Daily Web Weather

You’ll have to put in your boat name to get to watch, but you do not have to be a subscriber.  You’ll be listening to Chris talk on the microphone with the charts he’s looking at on his computer on the screen.    Remember, you can’t ask a question without being a “sponsoring vessel”, i.e. a subscriber to Chris’ SSB weather services.  But you can watch for free!

We’d encourage you to support Chris by becoming a subscriber if you like what you see online.   Here’s the link for the Chris Parker Marine Weather Center.   There are various subscriptions – one to suit any cruising vessel’s needs, so go for it!  When we’re out of the US, we always subscribe to the e-mail and SSB combination, that way if we can’t hear the SSB morning forecast, we’ll still get the e-mailed version later in the day and we’re never without weather.  Of course, we subscribe to some other weather too, including the NOAA forecasts, but Chris does a great job of interpreting and filling in the gaps.

Chris Parker Marine Weather Center

Comments?  Leave a comment and share!  THX!  Jan



  1. I was wondering if you can listen to the weather report on an IPad – it cannot use Adobe Flash Player as far as I know. Does anyone have any method they use that let’s me use the Ipad?


  2. Hey Chris, been listening to you for years. I’m curious if this survival radio I got will pick you up in the Bahamas. It’s a Kaito Voyager Pro. I’m not having any luck hearing you here in Miami, but faintly heard you in Southport, NC on the same radio. Any response is much appreciated.
    Thanks, Jono

  3. Hi we are a family of 5 and want to cross over from great sale, Abacos to Fort pierce inlet, Florida.
    I wonder how wide is the Gulf Stream and how much current should I plan to have. we are planning to cross over on the 28 of march.
    Thank you


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