Early Morning Sea Turtle Rescue

Mr s/v LaVida, holding the loggerhead turtle until help could arrive.

UPDATE.  48 Hours Later: The Turtle Hospital reports that “Sunrise”, our loggerhead turtle became unresponsive at 5 AM this morning and passed away, after two days of critical care 24 hours a day from The Turtle Hospital.  At least she had a chance…

As I’m walking up to take photos of the gorgeous sunrise this morning, I noticed what I presumed was a dead sea turtle floating in the water.

Mr s/v LaVida, holding the loggerhead turtle until help could arrive.
Mr s/v LaVida, holding the loggerhead turtle until help could arrive.

When I returned from taking the photo, the “dead” sea turtle moved!    After calling The Turtle Hospital in Marathon (an hour away) we were given instructions to keep an eye on the turtle and if possible get it out of the water with a wet towel over his back.

The “dead” sea turtle moved!

About the same time, Zach, from Stock Island Marina happened by walking down the docks to get to work. He promised as soon as the marina office opened (in about 15 minutes), he could get a dinghy and come back to try and get the turtle.  In the meantime Jordan, from the marina, walked by on her way to work.

Zach and Mr. s/v LaVida getting ready to lift the turtle into the dinghy
Zach and Mr. s/v LaVida getting ready to lift the turtle into the dinghy

Key West Wildlife Center (coordinated by The Turtle Hospital) called asking for directions.  15 minutes later, Zach & Jordan along with the nice man on s/v LaVida who jumped in his dinghy and held onto the turtle to keep it from going down until help could arrive, lifted the sick loggerhead turtle into the dinghy.  Did you know loggerhead sea turtles can crunch a conch shell with their jaws?  Luckily this poor sick guy didn’t try to crunch anyone.

Jordan, from Stock Island Marina, with the rescued loggerhead sea turtle.
Jordan, from Stock Island Marina, with the rescued loggerhead sea turtle.
You'll be OK now, Mr Turtle!
You’ll be OK now, Mr Turtle!

And the turtle is on his way to the hospital!  Hopefully we’ll get good news later today.   Hang in there Mr Sea Turtle!

The sunrise photo I was taking when the
The sunrise photo I was taking when the “dead” turtle moved!



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