First Things First

Mainsail is on the boom, not totally raised yet, but secure.

Every year we come back and DREAM about being able to spend the night aboard the boat the very first night.  So far we’ve done it every year… for 15 years in a row!  WooHoo!

Can't walk through the boat, mainsail is in the way!
Can’t walk through the boat, mainsail is in the way!

David is so good about prioritizing what needs to be done to keep our floating home secure and safe.   When we return to the boat after several months, he’s got it all figured out.

First (after cleaning the boat enough to actually step aboard this year), we need to move stuff around so we can live below … one of the obstacles is the MAINSAIL occupying the floorspace the entire length of our boat (37 feet)….

So one of the first things we do, is get the mainsail out of the boat so we can walk through the boat…

Mainsail is on the boom, not totally raised yet, but secure.
Mainsail is on the boom, not totally raised yet, but secure.

David doesn’t waste time actually raising the mainsail on the boat, we can save time by taking it out of down below …

And putting  it upstairs … on the boom … we don’t need to actually put it UP to make it secure.

Mainsail Boom Slides in the boom track
Mainsail Boom Slides in the boom track

We put it on the boom … slide in the slides on the boom, slide it down the length of the boom, secure it at the gooseneck and the outhaul and around the boom.  We can put it up the mast at a later time, and in the meantime, it’s safe on the boom …

Mainsail boom slides in the boom ... secure but not totally up
Mainsail boom slides in the boom … secure but not totally up

and out of our way on the floor down the entire length of the boat below….

One down… now put the canvas back on the cockpit….  So much to do, but now we can walk through the boat below!


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