What Will the Last 10 Years of Your Life Look Like?


After spending a few days with my Dad at the lifecare center, watching all the elderly folks – some were having a blast, even in their 90’s and some were mere shadows of what I’m sure used to be fun people.   My Dad is the only “elderly” person left in our combined family.  That means we’re the next generation of “elderly”.  YIKES!

A sailing friend recently posted the below Public Service YouTube video from the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation.  (to see the video click below, to visit the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation, click here).

Every time I don’t feel like walking our daily goal of 4 miles or eating my veggies,  I’m going to watch this video.

We’re lucky enough to be healthy, and although we’re a bit away from the last 10 years of our lives (we hope, but you never know), better to start now!

What Will The Last 10 Years of Your Life Look Like?  — be SURE to click the full screen option on the bottom right corner of the video so you can watch it BIG enough to see it…  it’s important…

CanadianHeart&StrokeLogoIf you’re like us, this can be a troubling comparison – do we have a choice and if so, what can we do to insure we get to be the “fun” elderly and not the shadows.   Out of desperation and refusal to accept the “lifestyle” on the right side of the screen, we’re rethinking what we want to do …

So many things on our “bucket lists” … and unfortunately not all of them directly correlate to life aboard a sailboat.  We love our life aboard, I don’t ever see us giving it up.  But there may be some changes in order to accommodate the “other” items in our bucket list – so many things we want to do, so little time!   With David  66 years young, we’re starting to feel a bit of pressure to prioritize the hiking and strenuous physical activity bucket list items.

Watch the video… twice to catch the details (I missed alot the first time.)   Food for thought as the New Year approaches….


  1. Nice share! I am 65, sitting on my trawler in Bimini on my way to the Exumas having just completed the Great Loop. My challenge for this leg of my trip is to figure out the next ten years and this video provided a great reminder to get with it.

    Thanks, arch


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