Don’t Leave Home Without DAN Travel Assist – The Best $55 We Spend!


Many cruisers – divers as well as non-divers – think that Diver’s Alert Network (DAN) is the best $55 dollars spent annually just for the peace of mind.  When you’re cruising outside the US, you don’t have to wonder what would happen if you have a medical emergency.   All you have to know is to call the DAN Travel Assist network and necessary emergency details are worked out between your current medical care and the DAN experts.  According to DAN’S website:

When you join DAN, you are automatically enrolled in DAN’s travel assistance plan and your family is covered with your family membership. If you travel at least 50 miles/80 km from your permanent residence, TravelAssist is there to help 24 hours a day. DAN TravelAssist arranges emergency medical evacuations for any medical emergency – and provides many more benefits – for you and your immediate family members.

IMPORTANT: DAN TravelAssist must arrange ALL evacuations. If you make your own emergency evacuation arrangements DAN TravelAssist will not reimburse the cost.


  • Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation
    Covers up to a maximum of $100,000 per person (if a Family Membership) for an emergency evacuation, or medically necessary repatriation.
  • Prescription Assistance
    Locates and arranges to send medication or eyeglasses when it’s possible and legally acceptable.
  • Medical Expense
    Advances up to $5,000 for hospital admittance or discharge deposits.
  • Medical Monitoring
    Work with local medical providers and relay necessary information to the member and the member’s family until the situation is resolved.
  • 24-Hour Worldwide Medical Information and Assistance
    Provides 24-hour multilingual assistance and consultation along with non-diving related medical referrals to physicians, hospitals and specialists.


  • Visit of Family Member or Friend
    Arranges and pays for economy round-trip airfare for a visitor if you are traveling alone and require hospitalization for more than five consecutive days.
  • Return of Dependent Children
    Arranges and pays for one-way economy airfare to return children home if you become ill or injured and cannot attend to their needs.
  • Return of Traveling Companion
    Arranges and pays for one-way economy airfare for a traveling companion if the companion loses previously made travel arrangements because of the member’s medical emergency.
  • Pre-Trip Information
    Get visa, passport and inoculation requirements; cultural information; weather conditions; embassy and consular referrals; foreign exchange rates; and travel advisories through DAN TravelAssist.
  • Repatriation of Remains
    If you or a covered family member dies while traveling, DAN TravelAssist will arrange and pay, up to the policy limit, for all costs associated with the return of your remains.
  • Return of Vehicle
    Arranges to return your unattended vehicle to the rental agency or to the current principal residence in case of a medical emergency.

And much more including Personal Assistance and Legal Assistance. For complete details on all TravelAssist Benefits, and exclusions to the policy,

download the DAN Member Handbook here.

But more importantly:

CLICK HERE TO JOIN DAN TODAY — or at the very least BEFORE you leave to go cruising!   Note that if you’re just looking for the DAN TravelAssist program, you do not need the travel insurance or other programs — although you may want to take a look because as I understand it from other cruisers, some of these programs are very good values as well.  We go with the basic family membership and for our $55 have peace of mind that if something happens to either of us while cruising.

Plus they publish a great magazine called Alert Diver – as a DAN member, you automatically get a subscription.  If you want to see more about Alert Diver Magazine, click here.

Do you recommend DAN TravelAssist?  Have any experiences to share?  Please leave a comment!   THANKS!  Jan


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