Jib Roller Furling: Off, On & Flake the Sail!


Checking google search terms, invariably a regular concern is something to do with roller furling …. how to put it on, how to take it off, how to flake the sail, etc.  Commuter Cruiser has all those topics, but they’ve been random posts done over the years, so this post consolidates all the roller furling and sail tips in one easy to find spot.  Hopefully it will be useful!

Taking the Headsail off the Roller Furling
Taking the Headsail off the Roller Furling

Step by Step: Roller Furling Jib Back On!

The easiest post to follow with step by step photos – to take the jib off, just reverse the steps

Removing a Roller Furled Jib

An earlier post specifically on removing the roller furling, just before all the photos in the prior post.

How to Flake A Sail: Step by Step Photos

I’m a big fan of step by step photo instructions when I’m trying to figure out how to do something.  David thinks it’s a pain that I want to take photos of each step, but se la vie.  🙂

Taking Care of the Mainsail

Sails are expensive, don’t forget sailcare!

And above all, don’t forget the consequences of NOT removing the roller furling with a threatening tropical storm or hurricane…  don’t think that wrapping extra wraps around the jib or putting extra lines around it to “tie it down” will be enough to fight the forces of nature when it comes to hurricanes and tropical storms.  You might get lucky, you might not, why take the chance when it’s just a few minutes to take it down, flake it and store it safely below.

The rig you save may be your own!  Anyone with more input, please leave a comment & share!  Cheers!  Jan

Roller Furling Jib Left On During Hurricane Charley, Cat 4, Punta Gorda, FL Direct Hit 2004
Roller Furling Jib Left On During Hurricane Charley, Cat 4, Punta Gorda, FL Direct Hit 2004


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