The Boat Still SAILS! Changing Our Neighborhood

Good Morning Mr Sunshine!

One of the advantages of a sailboat is it MOVES!  We can change our neighborhood anytime we choose, enjoy some great sailing between neighborhoods and relocate our “house” at will.

Good Morning Mr Sunshine!
Good Morning Mr Sunshine!

So after 2 weeks in Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL, it was time to go.  We’ve visited with friends, hung out at Sombrero Beach, completed never ending boat projects (i.e. spending boat bucks!) and generally enjoyed our time in Marathon.  We could stay, in fact we could stay all winter, but we’re not.  We want to enjoy some of our favorites in Key West and so we go…

Pre-pre dawn. Did he really make me get up at this hour?
Pre-pre dawn. Did he really make me get up at this hour?

It’s not my usual to be up before dawn, but we decided we wanted to sail the 44 miles all in one day (not stopping in Newfound Harbor, our usual stopping spot)… I know … you’re thinking … it’s 44 miles.  We cover that in less than an hour in our car, maybe 45 minutes.  What do you mean ALL DAY?  If we average 4, that’s 10 hours.  This time of year there are only 11 hours of daylight…. not much time for “spare”.

Boot Key Harbor Old Bridge in the predawn light
Boot Key Harbor Old Bridge in the predawn light

ZERO percent chance of rain … that’s what all the weather forecasts said.  Hmmmm…..

Almost a rainbow, just before the rain....
Almost a rainbow, just before the rain….

Yes, we got wet.  But they were just “passing showers” according to David, although at the time I was washing the breakfast dishes & he was yelling something about the connector canvas to keep him dry …

Weather Forecast says zero change of rain ... oh wait, we got wet, but at least we had a beautiful rainbow!
Weather Forecast says zero change of rain … oh wait, we got wet, but at least we had a beautiful rainbow!

And a beautiful double rainbow after the rain, don’t know if you can see the second rainbow, but it was amazing.  And on we sailed toward Key West.  The skies cleared, those “passing showers” moved northwest and away from us and the wind was perfect.

Gotta love those puffy white clouds!
Gotta love those puffy white clouds!

“Bo”, our trusty Monitor Windvane drove on through the clear Keys waters.  The only thing we didn’t see was a sea turtle, but the double rainbow, lots of dolphins and Navy jets made up for the loss.  Sea turtles will wait for another day, I know they’re out there.

“Bo”, our Monitor WIndvane in the drivers seat. Sail on Bo!

Making great time, suddenly our GPS said we’d be in Key West by 1:30.  We didn’t need to be there nearly that early and it was a magnificent sail, so when the wind shifted to directly behind, we slowed down and put up the wing on wing and leisurely enjoyed the last couple hours of our sail.

Wind switched to directly behind, giving us a chance to try our Forespar Whisker Pole with new parts.
Wind switched to directly behind, giving us a chance to try our Forespar Whisker Pole with new parts.

Yes, that’s too much crap on the boat , I usually try to avoid taking photos showing all our “crap”. We always said we’d NEVER look like “one of those cruising boats” with junk cluttering up the beautiful lines of the boat.  But I didn’t want to sail to paradise without my kayaks, and the dinghy is kind of important and we won’t trail it, so it lives on the foredeck underway.  And the wind generator and solar panels may look trashy, but they gave us free electricity all week our last week in Boot Key Harbor.  Didn’t need the Honda 2000 generator even once.  SO, I guess we’re trashy cruisers, but we’re eco-responsible?   🙂

So now we’re in Key West … more to come, I LOVE Key West!  🙂  I love sailing!  Cheers!  Jan



  1. Perhaps you were the dark hulled boat we passed yesterday as we were heading from Key West to Marathon? It had a lot of stuff on it 🙂 Enjoy your stay there. We sure did.


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