Top 10 Commuter Cruiser Articles for 2018

Enjoy your holidays! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from David & Jan at Commuter Cruiser!

Tis the time of year for reflection back on the past 12 months of 2018.  I would have anticipated that Great Loop articles would have received the bulk of Commuter Cruiser visitors, but nothing ever turns out as it seems!  So here, starting from #10 to #1 are the Top 10 visited articles for 2018!

#10.  10 Tips If Your Boat’s Stuck Aground

“If you’ve sailed enough, you’ve either been aground, will be aground or you’re lying” began our introduction to sailing a cruising sailboat. But there are lots of options to help yourself without calling in reinforcements. Here are some tips for when the inevitable shifting sandbar screws up your day.

#9  The Secret to Mirror Finish Teak

The Secret to “Mirror-Finish” Teak. Hint: it’s not that hard to do yourself, why not have the best?

#8 The Great Loop

Our latest adventure!  What is The Great Loop?  Picture a 6000 mile 12+ month cruise circumnavigating the Eastern United States! Up the US East Coast, across the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi, Ohio & Tennessee Rivers to the Gulf.  Featuring a chronological list of all 2018’s Great Loop articles – perfect for those planning their own Great Loop!

Our sailboat, where we lived for 15 years had much less space than our trawler! But both require learning to live on a boat!

#7 Lifestyle:  How To Live on a Boat

An old article, but just as relevant now as ever! Ever wonder how two people actually live aboard a boat and don’t kill each other? After all, our living space is about 100 square feet — YIKES! When I think about it like that it even scares ME! Here are some tips!

Thanksgiving 2018 with Looper Friends Aboard Optimystique in Panama City Beach.

#6  Turning Your Boat Into Your Home

Cruising statistics show that even the most adventurous cruisers spend 90% of their time at anchor (or at a dock). Make sure you spend some time turning your floating boat into a floating HOME! Here are a few ideas that work for us.

Removing the Shackle From the Top of the Roller Furling
Removing the Shackle From the Top of the Roller Furling

#5  Step By Step:  Roller Furling Back On

Is it time to the jib/genoa off the roller furling and store it for the season?  Or put it back on the roller furling?  It looks intimidating but following these step by step photo instructions will make it easy.

#4 How To Tie Up To A Mooring Ball

Tying to a mooring ball involves a lot more than merely being able to grab the mooring pennant with your boat hook – and it’s a bit different on the trawler than our previous sailboat which is featured in this post.  Maybe I’ll update the post to include trawler as well, although the process is basically the same.

#3  What’s A Kellet?  Anchor Insurance 

Worried about your anchor holding? The most important consideration is adequate scope, but with our sailboat we also used an anchor kellet to absorb most of the force and insure that the pull from the boat rarely reaches the anchor, so there’s little possibility of it getting pulled out. Here’s how.

Optimystique at the Blue Bluff Recreation area free dock with friends on Sea Trolley and Lark.

#2  Buying a Boat For The Great Loop

Before you start looking for a Great Loop boat, here are a few things to know … plus a list of our Top 20 considerations in selecting a boat… (NOTE:  Now that we’ve finished our Loop and our Mariner 40 is for sale, I’ll be updating this post with what we know now that we didn’t know then … coming soon….)

The New Get Rid of Boat Odors .. a most valuable companion aboard!

Drumroll Please ….  the decidedly unglamorous …

#1  How to Get Rid of Boat Odors

The #1 rule — if the boat smells there’s a reason, a culprit waiting to be discovered and the culprit is likely better at playing hide n seek than you are at finding the source of the smell! Need help finding the issue?  (NOTE:  I’ll be updating this article as well with what we found and how we solved the boat odor issue on Optimystique… coming soon!)

So there you have it, a surprising (at least to me) review of 10 most visited articles on Commuter Cruiser for 2018.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!  Cheers!  Jan



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