Great Sailing the ICW


So normally we’re not ICW sailors – I can’t stand the power boats that seem to love preying on the sailboats and all the little gnats that dart in & out everywhere just to keep us on our toes.  Why it is that they feel the need to roll us from rail to rail is beyond me, but despite it all we had a GREAT sail down the ICW today from Boca Grande Pass to Ft Myers – 27 miles closer to Marco Island, hopefully making it a dayhop tomorrow if the weather cooperates.  We literally SAILED!  WooHoo!  That doesn’t happen often on the ICW!  We sailed past the garbage barge, past some other sailboats, other sailboats with serious looking racing sails or “J”s on their sails sailed right past us … what a fun day!  And now we’re anchored in an alternate anchorage than Ft Myers Beach where we usually go and hate the current.   This is Glover’s Bight and it’s wonderful – other than the silty bottom which means you can’t back down too hard too quick on the anchor, as we found out the hard way!   🙂  Not sure about this line of thunderstorms that just blew through, we had no problems, but if they’re still lingering around daybreak, it may put a crimp in our sailing plans tomorrow!   Here’s sunset, just for good measure!

Beautiful Sunset After a Great Day's Sail!
Beautiful Sunset After a Great Day's Sail!

I hope you’re getting some sailing in this St Patrick’s Day weekend – Winterlude is GREEN after all, so we figure we’re Irish for the weekend!  🙂

Cheers!   Jan & David


  1. Glover’s Bight is the best place we’ve found, unless you want to go onto Matanzana Pass/Ft Myers Beach — it’s nice and I understand from frieds that Doc Ford’s restaurant is a not to miss, but we missed it So if you don’t stop at Glover’s Bight, you might want to try Mantazanas Pass/Ft Myers Beach — Doc Ford’s restaurant. We stopped one night at Salty Sam’s Marina last year, not something we would recoemmend.


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