Happy Birthday to “The Boat Galley Cookbook” – now in its 2nd Printing! THANKS to all our readers! Check out the latest reader comments here.
Or scroll down to read what Lin Pardey & Beth Leonard are saying. Below, you can also read more about “The Boat Galley Cookbook Details” and “About the Authors”.
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Electronic editions are also available for Kindle, Nook and IPad!
What others are saying about The Boat Galley Cookbook!
“The Boat Galley Cookbook answers almost every question I have ever been asked about cooking afloat. Small galley or large galley, you’ll find loads of good ideas and interesting recipes to make life afloat easier and tastier too.”
–Lin Pardey, voyager and author
“Cooking on a boat is different, and not just because your kitchen won’t stay still. You also have to contend with a lot less space and water, unusual or absent ingredients, limited cooking equipment, and a lack of conveniences from Mr. Coffee to Cuisinart. Shearlock and Irons share everything you need to know to make great meals in a cramped galley and to have fun doing it. Their recipes cover the gamut from nibbles to accompany cocktails in the cockpit to one-pot meals to keep the crew going in a gale. But their advice goes well beyond recipes to include setting up the galley, equipment suggestions, storage ideas, and tips for cooking at sea. If you’re getting ready to trade your kitchen for a galley, you’ll want to take The Boat Galley Cookbook along.”
–Beth Leonard, author of The Voyager’s Handbook
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The Boat Galley Cookbook Details!
Practical Reasons to Own the Cookbook, click this link: 10 Reasons We Hope the Cookbook Will Be Aboard Your Boat!
The first thing you’ll notice when you open The Boat Galley Cookbook is that it’s different from other cookbooks. There are no glamorous color photos of food or other wasted space. Written for cruisers by cruisers, we wanted it to be a countertop reference book and not just a coffee table book! Packed full of practical information you will need as well as over 800 delicious recipes, we both use it every day…
No matter what anyone tells you, boat cooking IS different from cooking ashore. The space is smaller, there’s no grocery store 5 minutes away, you have fewer prepared foods and electric appliances, and food storage is much different.
Despite cruising different oceans, we both faced the same challenges: eating well while having time to enjoy all the other great aspects of cruising. We love to snorkel, swim, kayak, explore – and just sit and admire the view.
We learned with the cookbooks we both had aboard, and wished for information that wasn’t available — like when Jan ended up with a frozen chicken complete with head and feet and no instructions on how to cut it up.
When we couldn’t get foods such as sour cream, English muffins, spaghetti sauce or yogurt, we adapted recipes to make our own. Other times, we experimented with substituting ingredients– maybe the result wasn’t identical, but it was still tasty. We ended up with over 150 substitutions and dozens of “make it yourself” options.
As we traded recipes and knowledge with each other, we realized we were compiling information that became The Boat Galley Cookbook:
- 800+ recipes made from readily-obtainable ingredients with hand utensils, including numerous choices to suit every taste: not just one cake but 20, 16 ways to prepare fish, 10 regional barbeque sauces, and so on.
- Step-by-step directions to give even “non-cooks” the confidence they can turn out tasty meals without prepared foods.
- Detailed instructions on unfamiliar things like making yogurt and bread, grilling virtually every food imaginable, preparing and cooking freshly-caught fish and seafood, cutting up and boning meat, cooking in a Thermos and baking on the stove top, as well as lots of tips on how to do things more easily in a tiny, moving kitchen.
- All this in an easy to navigate format including side tabs to the Table of Contents and extensive cross reference lists at the end of each chapter. Quick Reference Lists provide idea starters: suggestions of included recipes for such categories as Mexican, Asian, and Potluck.
The Boat Galley Cookbook is designed to help you every step of the way. We hope it becomes a trusted reference on your boat, and a source of many enjoyable meals.
More on the Authors
For the “Rest of the Story”, read about how I made the transition from a non-cook to cookbook co-author as I started commuter cruising! Click here: “Commuter Cruiser to The Boat Galley Cookbook Co-Author?”
From the Back Cover of The Boat Galley Cookbook:
“Carolyn Shearlock has loved cooking since a child but is no gourmet chef. She passes on her everyday style of cooking from scratch with limited equipment in the galley. Jan Irons was more comfortable at the top of the mast than in the galley, but discovered cooking to be part of the fun of cruising.
Between them, Carolyn and Jan have cruised over 21,000 miles with their husbands. Both write for Cruising World, SAIL magazine and other publications. Carolyn’s website, TheBoatGalley.com, has everything you need to know relating to the galley while Jan’s website, CommuterCRUISER.com, provides tips and checklists useful for anyone cruising part time.”