Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Tag: hurricane

Chased by Hurricane Ida

Trying to reason with hurricane season is not always, in fact usually never, a good idea as Winterlude discovered by accident. We'd spent the last...

Hurricane Warning: Riding Out a Big Blow At Anchor

You may never plan to ride out a hurricane at anchor.  But hurricanes have a habit of not performing as forecast, speeding up and...

Staying Put: Ground Tackle for a Hurricane

Hurricane Marty in the Sea of Cortez caught our friends Dave & Carolyn Shearlock on s/v Que Tal at anchor in Puerto Escondido.  After...

Hurricane Preparedness #3 … Dock Lines

One of the most important parts of leaving your boat in hurricane season in a marina is correctly setting your dock lines ...   this...

Hurricane Preparedness … #2

1.  Reduce Windage! Imagine the force of 140 mph winds, gusting to who knows what.  They're capable of tearing off roofs, flattening buildings and breaking...

Hurricane Preparedness … 1 in a Series…

As hurricane season approaches, join Commuter Cruiser for a series of five Hurricane Preparedness Guidelines.  While no preparation can totally insure success in the...