Windy Cabin Fever

KISS Wind Generator, Pouting Until It Magically Decided to Work
KISS Wind Generator, busy providing free amps!

Hopefully just for a total of 36 hours!  It’s blowing stink today, but mostly sunny & mid-60’s.

We could get off the boat but it’s a long way upwind to the public dinghy dock.  We used to stand so we’d only be soaked below the knees, but we haven’t done that in awhile & couldn’t find our tiller extension for the outboard.  See what wusses we’ve become?

So we’ve been reading, fixed a couple of minor things & then resumed our annual Yahtzee championship.


After David  scored his 3rd Yahtzee in one game, I was ready to concede the entire season.  But good thing I sucked it up & continued the challenge.  I won the 2nd game and the third game by ONE POINT!  Take that David!  Championship stats:  Jan 2:  David 1.

Tomorrow (today) is Valentine’s Day and we have a special day planned… if the wind lays down tonight as forecast!  More soon!


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