Don’t Get Burned! Check That Electric Meter!


It’s your responsibility.  Anytime you visit a marina, check (and take a photo) of the electric meter.  I choose to believe that no marina will ever deliberately cheat on the electric bills, but sometimes mistakes are made.

Here's the must have photo anytime you enter a marina!
Here’s the must have photo anytime you enter a marina!

Our first month in the marina in Key West we were billed $88 for electricity …. on Winterlude … no a/c, nothing that consumes massive amounts of electricity.  I knew electricity was more expensive in Key West, but $88?

We suspect the marina didn’t read and clear the meter when the boat before us left.  And it was a much bigger boat with fancy stuff such as air conditioning.

We forgot to follow our usual process of taking a photo of the electric meter when we arrive, creating a record of our starting number.  SO …

This month’s electricity bill is ….   $18.72.   That sounds about right.  But $88?  Nope, our mistake.  The moral to our story is:

ALWAYS take a photo of the electric meter when you arrive in a marina!

UPDATE!  Stock Island Marina gave us a credit for the first month’s electric bill after the second month was so much less!

Also, several people have responded to this post telling me when they LEAVE a marina, they always take a photo of the electric meter, especially if the electricity will be billed to their credit card after they’re gone.  Probably a good idea.


  1. We recorded the starting number in the captain’s log on the day we arrived. When we were charged for 201 kilowatts, we knew that we only used about 20 kw. The marina agreed with us and altered the charge. Being vigilant is so important. Our neighbors also took a photo; good advise, Jan.


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