Goodbye Blue Tape & Old File Binders!

Newly varnished maintenance coats - November 2013

Time to celebrate!  Two major projects done!  First I finished my binder user manual project and ceremoniously dumped the old ugly binders into the cockpit … later in the day David asked, “where would I find the outboard manual?” — he’s thinking about changing the oil in the lower unit.  And voila, EASY, quick and no problem!  One down …

The boat is still covered in blue tape from the varnish project … we decided to scrap the 3rd maintenance coat for now, we’ll need to do two more maintenance coats before leaving the boat next spring anyway, why do more work than necessary?  So we start removing blue tape … by the basketball size wad after a bit.   The blue tape is history …

Trash the blue tape and the old file binders!  WooHoo!
Trash the blue tape and the old file binders! WooHoo!

Wet sanding anything leaves a dried white paste that’s almost impossible to remove.  So we decide to wash the boat.  After washing the entire boat, especially the dark hull and removing the white paste stripes, David was not particularly happy to see that before the boat even dried, the birds had been at their evil ways again.   Oh well…

Newly varnished maintenance coats -  November 2013
Newly varnished maintenance coats – November 2013

The good news is the varnish looks pretty good, for a couple of amateurs!  And that project is done!

Time for a shower!

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Since 2001, Jan & her husband, David have been Commuter Cruisers. Sailing off into the sunset aboard their Passport 37 sailboat, they cruised from Annapolis to Cartagena, Colombia and back. After 15 years & 25,000, the Western Caribbean, the Keys, Cuba and Bahamas, they decided to change the dream. Now cruising The Great Loop in their Mariner 40 trawler, Optimystique, Jan & David are still wandering... If you see Optimystique "out there", please stop by and say HI!


  1. Nice job guys!

    Can’t you digitize your manuals? Get them on line and save them (To a cloud) or local for future reference? I just finished this project on Mystique. Believe it or not every manual was out on the Inter-webs!

    Now go drop the hook!

    • Yes, we have alot of the manuals both local and in the cloud. BUT David’s old school and he wants a paper manual — I’ve tried printing the relevant pages of the manuals for whatever project, but he wants the “real thing” — he’ll never make it in the digital world, even though I put the manuals on his laptop as well as mine. But he’s a great captain, keeps us safe, so what do I care if he’s old school. I would like to go sailing, unfortunately we keep getting a cold front with 25-30+ knot winds every 2 1/2 or so days. Yuck. We’ve done enough cruising that it’s not fun anymore just to sit in an anchorage blowing 30 just because … so we’re still at the dock. For much of this winter, I’m afraid, since we don’t want to be far away with my Dad not doing as well at 92. We flew home 2 years ago from the Exumas for David’s Mom and a few years ago from the San Blas in Panama for my Mom. It’s just not fun, so we’ll stick close this year… My Dad laughs and says he’ll probably be around for another 10 years. 🙂 Cheers Martin! Jan


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