Plan Ahead to Make Lemonade from Lemons

Winterlude Anchored in the Green Islands, San Blas, Panama
Winterlude Anchored in the Green Islands, San Blas, Panama

Anchored in your favorite anchorage watching the sun slide over the horizon, you are savoring the first night of that annual vacation cruise that you’ve been looking forward to for eleven months.  Suddenly you notice the _____________ (fill in the blank … refrigerator, watermaker, etc) isn’t working.   Aw crap.

What do you do now?

Immediately head to your home marina, curse “that damned boat,” tie it up and head home;

See if you can find a repairman at the nearest marina, hoping he can fix it in time to salvage part of your vacation; OR

Have you planned ahead, with alternatives or parts for most onboard systems, so you can continue to enjoy the well-deserved vacation you’ve been waiting for?

Anchored in Providencia
Anchored in Providencia

The saying goes, “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade”.  But this assumes that you have water and sugar, necessary ingredients for lemonade.

Similarly, aboard a boat, if you think through alternative systems or potential extra parts ahead of time, when something breaks, you already know what you’re going to do.  Once aboard, we don’t want to give up a single day of our precious cruising time.  Over the years, my husband David and I have spent time thinking through critical systems to have back up plans so that we don’t have to run for civilization after just anchoring in paradise.  Here are a few examples:

approachSanBlas copy

Refrigeration is perhaps the most common system causing cruisers to cut short time aboard.  What a shame if you only have a month’s vacation and the refrigeration goes out after the first week. You could be the hit of the anchorage and host a beach bbq so the unfreezing meat doesn’t spoil.  Or you may be able to use your well-insulated refrigerator as an ice box for the rest of your vacation if ice is available.  Plus we always carry at least two weeks of canned provisions just in case. Our book, “The Boat Galley Cookbook”, International Marine Publishing, devotes an entire chapter to making edible meals with canned food.

Winterlude Anchored on the Rio Chagres
Winterlude Anchored on the Rio Chagres

Generators cause cruisers to spend a lot of time waiting for parts at marinas rather than cruising in paradise.  Like a diesel engine, if there are parts that are prone to failure, you may want to carry spares.  Other than spare parts, if a generator fails, have a backup plan for all of the functions it serves … how can we charge the batteries (diesel, solar or wind?), loss of ac current?, and so on.  With the right pre-planning, it is possible to continue your cruise without a generator.

Shell beaches are some of my favorites.  Not all beaches are lucky enough to have shells.
Shell beaches are some of my favorites. Not all beaches are lucky enough to have shells.

Watermaker … once upon a time cruisers cruised without watermakers, now over and over I hear boats heading back because the watermaker quit working.  Most boats carry enough water to get by for a few days – especially by conserving water more than normal.  You can always do it the old fashioned way and fill up with water at a nearby marina.  If you have a watermaker, you should be familiar with what could go wrong … with spares on hand so that you can fix it yourself.

David Enjoys Spearfishing
David Looking for Dinner in Paradise

Out of Propane? Most cruisers have a spare propane bottle aboard.  Of course, it’s only useful if it’s full.  Or you can use your grill if it has a separate camping propane canister – the exact reason our boat is rigged with the grill separate from the stove’s propane system. Aboard Winterlude, a tiny microwave functions primarily as a bread box, but in an emergency, we could fire up the inverter, and have dinner. Also consider what happens if something fails in the propane system  – like the solenoid.  Luckily when our propane solenoid failed, we were finishing our six month cruise and back at the marina.  Now we carry a spare, just in case.

The Hammock Enhances the Lifestyle at Anchor!
The Hammock Enhances the Lifestyle at Anchor!

Diesel Sputters or Dies? Check the filters and strainer first.  Be sure to carry a complete selection of replacement filters, the more the better, never take just one.  Beyond clogged filters, know your diesel.  Carry spare parts for the most common failings – we’ve replaced a salt water pump, two alternators, a SmartRegulator and many other “marinized” parts with the assistance of other cruisers and Nigel Calder. Since our diesel is a 1985 Nanni Kubota 4 cyl 30 hp, not a common engine, we asked our diesel mechanic to recommend a spare parts inventory which has come in handy.

The kayaks and Winterlude crew explored the caves along Big Major by kayak before the storm.
The kayaks and Winterlude crew explored the caves along Big Major by kayak before the storm.

Navigation Equipment/Electronics/Communications … carry backups or spares for all critical navigation equipment – GPS, laptops, chartplotter etc.  We have paper charts and know how to use them. With 4 GPS’s, one should work at any given time. We also have a sextant, but have never had to use it except for fun. SSB and VHF provide our primary communications, morning nets, boat to boat contact as well as weather charts, NOAA text forecasts and Chris Parker weather. We  carry an Iridium satellite phone as  backup for weather or e-mail, but have never had to use it except for calls home in an emergency. With two handheld VHF’s and one built in, we’ve always been able to talk to other boats.

Sunset on the Beach
Sunset on the Beach

Someone gets sick?  Bummer!  But if you’ve planned ahead, it might not mean abandoning the cruise.  My husband, David, has an annual bout with bronchitis.  His doctor was happy to provide an “insurance” prescription so we carry antibiotics aboard.  A couple of times we’ve had to use it – once literally the next day after we finally left the Rio Dulce, Guatemala.  But we didn’t have to return to civilization for meds.  If you are susceptible to any routine illnesses, you may be able to save a cruise by talking to your doctor ahead of time.

Of course, there are some systems that the strategy simply won’t work for  – breaking a mast might be an example.  But for everything else, think it through, improvise and enjoy your cruise!

NOTE:  This article originally appeared in Cruising Outpost magazine and also on the Women and Cruising Blog.


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