Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Tag: The Great Loop

Halfway Looped!

3000 miles in, 3000 miles to go. Moments of exhilaration tinged with a bit of terror.  The highest highs and lowest lows. Some days go as planned, others are totally out of control.  One of the things I love is it's almost impossible to predict where we'll be at the end of any given day,

Michigan … When the Gales of November Came Early…

So OK, gales of November might be an exaggeration, but waiting on weather has caused many cruising dreams to come to an end, maybe prematurely. And not waiting can have life threatening consequences, or even losing the boat...

No Salt, No Tide, No Current … Best Freshwater Cruising in...

No salt, no tide, no current... only white quartz cliffs stretching to the cobalt blue sky, clear water, wind swept pines growing out of countless floating pink granite islands, this is North Channel Cruising... and it's my favorite so far on The Great Loop!

4 Must Know Tips for Cruising Georgian Bay

So many Loopers skip through Georgian Bay in a couple of days, please consider taking more time. We felt overwhelmed by the prospect of all those rocks before we started, here are 4 Top Tips to help!

Riding the Boat Roller Coaster! aka The Big Chute Marine Railway

Riding a boat roller coaster in a 40 foot trawler with 8 feet hanging off the back edge ... a bit scarey! Completing the first 88 locks on The Great Loop ... priceless!!!

Fun Facts About the Highest Lift Lock in the World! ...

Where else in the world can you stand on the deck of your boat and be lifted straight up six stories ... without any external power? Welcome to Peterborough Lift Lock, the world's largest!

240 Miles 43 Locks: Trent Severn Waterway

To say the Trent Severn Waterway is historic is understating ... these locks are on the National Historic Register, are mostly constructed with very little update over 100 years ago, some operate manually, some hydraulically ... one is a rollercoaster for boats. The 240 mile route is lined with unique picturesque communities and everyone loves boaters. Amazing!

Cruising the New Jersey ICW

"They" said it couldn't be done ... don't even try. The New Jersey ICW is not for the faint of heart ... or anyone over a five foot draft, but when bad weather limits your opportunities to go outside, you make do. And sometimes even enjoy! Go figure!

Best Great Loop Weather Resources

For most people, weather is merely a glancing factor in everyday life. For Great Loop Cruisers, it is THE factor dictating whether todays cruising will be safe & fun ... or not. Where do you get your weather? Here's what we use...

Up Chesapeake Bay, Across the C & D Canal, Down Delaware...

1,600 miles down on our 6,000 mile Great Loop. 7 states visited so far, out of 22 total. Phase I complete, now Optimystique takes a Commuter Cruiser break in Cape May New Jersey while we return home for a surprise birthday party, a family graduation and a family beach vacation. Back to the boat June 12 for Phase 2 - Cape May to as far north as we can get in 3 weeks - hopefully the Ontario, CA border! Stay Tuned!