We were enjoying being anchored out, looking forward to at least 30 days living on the hook, when the boat decides to throw us a curve ball.
Over the past 4 years, we’ve replaced or rebuilt so many systems, it feels like there shouldn’t be anything left to go wrong. Just last winter, we replaced 95% of our almost 20 year old Raritan PHII head — the pump went out while we were exploring the 10,000 Islands and we had to make a quick detour to Marathon to get a new pump … and hoses. So the only thing not brand new on our Raritan PHII is the bowl.
Imagine our surprise when it decided not to pump water in. Yet another new challenge. We spent two hours dissecting the issue, the only thing left had to be a block in the intake hose. We found some sea weed, stringy stuff stuck in the pump assembly, so we’re thinking it had to be a clogged hose. Problem was, we can’t get the hose off. 🙁 David thought the only way to get it off was to cut it off, which was easy enough, but it required a new 6″ section of hose … that we don’t have aboard. ?????
Just when you think you have every spare part imaginable, some simple stupid thing causes you to go looking for a hardware store. I want Winterlude (as in the boat) to make me a list, so I can prepare in advance next time I’m at the hardware store, with all the spare parts we might need for the next thing that will break.

So we’re back at the dock for a quick trip to town to buy a 6″ hose. Grumble. The good news is, the sailing on our return was terrific, so much fun. And the sunset wasn’t too shabby either.
And since we don’t like wasting time at the dock, we fixed the below decks autopilot, defrosted the fridge and a couple of other errands… now time to play.
A friend, Dave, on m/v Driftaway (which is for sale, btw) always said in his blog: “It’s time for a VICTORY Beer!”
Yep, victory beers all around!