One of the Many Reasons I LOVE Cruising

Anchored Behind the Reef, Belize
Anchored Behind the Reef, Belize

I love cruising … even though we’re not actively cruising at present, there are still moments that come back and remind us how special it is.

Today I was standing in the harbormaster’s office and happened to look out the window at a sailboat coming in.

Belize Map
Map of Belize – Placencia is 2/3 of the way down the coast.

This boat’s name is E 2 Motion …. not exactly an everyday boat name.  All of a sudden I was transported back to Placencia, Belize aboard E SQUARED Motion enjoying my first taste of lamb courtesy of Captain Mark’s hobby of learning to cook a cuisine from a different country – Moroccan this particular year.  AMAZING! That meal was among the most memorable and delectable of our cruising memories.

I asked the harbormaster – did that boat’s name say “E 2 Motion”?  Are their names Mark and Liz?  Blank stares.  I informed the office that even though the boat name said “2” – it was not a “2” it was SQUARED and ran down to E Dock to greet cruisers who we haven’t crossed paths with since Placencia Belize in the spring of 2010.

One of our favorite things to do in one of our favorite places, the reef, Belize.

Small world is a way of life for cruisers, you just never know what boat is going to sail into your harbor years after you last saw them.  And vice versa, you never know when you sail into a new harbor, who might be there from years gone by.

Needless to say, we had dinner together tonight and had a ton of catching up to do!  What a great way of life!


  1. Hi, I wanted to tell you how much I love your website. It is so organized and filled with very useful information. There is a very good chance we will be making a jump onto living aboard and I am excited to do my research. I have found your site and your partners site The Boat Galley among others; I know you all will be so much help. Thank you for all the long hard work you have put into this and hopefully I will get to meet some of you out on the water someday!!!


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