Sometimes you find something new that really does make life easier aboard! We just added a LumiQuest SoLite as our cockpit light after reading a Cruising World review. While reading the review, all I could think about was the number of times I’ve tripped over the cord that runs from our 12V outlet just inside the companionway out to the Davis megalight we’ve used for a cockpit light for years. The Megalight LED version used almost no amps and that made my Amp Ogre husband, David, very happy. I could keep the cockpit light on for hours if I wanted (as long as the bugs stayed away).
When I read the CW review, I had to order one just to see for myself. I showed it to David who said “order one if you want, but I’ll bet we’ll continue to use the megalight — either the new one won’t be bright enough or it won’t stay on long enough for a leisurely dinner in the cockpit”.
I’m happy to report that David was wrong on both counts! Hanging over our cockpit table with it’s included bungee cord, the new LumiQuest SoLite provides plenty of light to light the entire cockpit. One of the biggest advantages over the megalight (aside from that darned cord!) is that the SoLite’s LED’s are directionally downward and the lightbulb shape makes it a diffused light, not as sharp and harsh as the megalight. We once had a neighboring boat in an Isla Mujeres, MX marina where we left the boat temporarily to fly back for Christmas, complain that the LED bright megalight was annoying and he hated being blinded when he came up his companionway. No problems like that with the new SoLite!
We hang ours from the bungee that keeps the halyards from slapping the mast during the day to get maximum sunlight. And transfer it to the cockpit at sunset. It’s possible it might get enough light in the sunlight hanging in the cockpit, and we’ll test that soon. It rotates so you can point the solar panel on top toward the sun.

Plus, originally it only cost $14.95 at Amazon! When have I EVER tried something new on this boat that costs less than $15??? 🙂 Here’s what the manufacturer has to say:
The SoLite is a solar powered light designed to look like a lightbulb. It is powered by high efficiency, USA made solar panels that are the best commercial grade available. The multi-switch (low-off-high) shuts off automatically in bright lights, pivots to direct the light and catch sunlight and lasts 6+ hours.
Want to try one for yourself & help support at the same time? Click Amazon here & order yours! 🙂 Then let us know what you think by leaving a comment! Cheers! Jan