Cruising World: Meatless and Magnificent!


Cruising World published my Ratatouille Polenta Bake recipe from The Boat Galley Cookbook in the April 2014 issue … here’s a link to the online article!

Ratatouille Polenta Bake – Photo Courtesy of Cruising World and Lynda Morris Childress

This is one of my favorite recipes in the cookbook.  Cruising friends introduced us to Ratatouille while enjoying dinner aboard s/v E2Motion in Placencia, Belize.  Liz was delighted when she found an eggplant in David’s Veggie Market.  Later I adapted the Ratatouille Polenta Bake recipe to be boat friendly.  Bon Appetit!



  1. Unfortunately it’s probably the butter and cheese that make it so Magnificent! Those are as taboo as meat, from a healthy-foods standpoint. It does sound like it states good though. 🙂

    • Larry — OK, one CUP of mozzarella cheese has 23 grams of fat. 1 tablespoon of butter has 12 grams of fat. That’s a total of 35 grams of fat. Depending on what you’re serving with it, this serves 4-8. At 4 servings (maybe just add a salad with no fat salad dressing?) that’s a total of less than 8.75 grams of fat. At 8 servings with more sides, it’s 4.4 grams of fat. I challenge you to find any meal that’s less – one thin boneless pork chop has 6.85 grams of fat, plus whatever else is on the plate. Plus, when I make it, I leave out the butter entirely and use fat free cheese — OK that’s another whole set of chemical crap I’m putting in to my body…. but it’s not fat. Cheers — Jan

      • Not just fat – saturated fat, which I generally try to avoid. But in the end we can die quickly or slowly so I guess it might as well be from good tasting food?

        • Agree about saturated fat being our enemy … which is why when a recipe calls for anything with saturated fat, I generally try to replace it with something better — might not taste quite as good, but it’s generally still yummy. This recipe was an exception because of the cheese … there’s no good replacement for cheese and I’m sure the fat free version has all kinds of other stuff causing equally bad repercussions. But we still love the recipe. Everything’s going to kill us, and the medical community keeps changing its minds. 🙂 Cheers & Happy 4th of July! Jan

  2. Jan – we clipped your recipe from Cruising World a couple years ago and finally got around to making your Ratatouille Polenta Bake last night – it was great! We really enjoyed it – just wanted to say thanks!


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