Does Cruising Last Forever?

Dolphins in our bow wake.

Interesting question … we said we’d go cruising for as long as it was fun. For us,  after almost 15 years, we both love our boat.  It’s interesting to watch circumstances change over time, even for the most intrepid of cruisers.  Most cruising friends we knew cruising the Western Caribbean have long since moved on, sold their boats and are chasing different dreams. Others sold the boat, chased other dreams and then bought another boat!

Dolphins in our bow wake.
Dolphins in our bow wake.

“Where are you going?”  “Why don’t you GO anywhere anymore?” … we get these questions alot.  But I’m happy I’m still living afloat in paradise.  In the past, we’ve spent 150+ nights in a row anchored out without ever spending a night plugged into a dock … we’ve cruised from Annapolis, MD down the Western Caribbean to Cartagena, Colombia and back to Southwest Florida.

Little Mola Salesperson .. in her wooden ulu next to Winterlude.
Little Mola Salesperson .. in her wooden ulu next to Winterlude.

Our boat is full of “boat dings” and I remember specifically when each happened … the wooden ulu full of mola makers in the far Eastern San Blas Islands, the ding on the transom from the cayuco that David helped tow in a fellow cruiser who lost an engine just before a norther, the scratches from laying against a piling while the eye of Cat 4 Hurricane Charley passed right over s/v Winterlude….

This man traded us a crab for gas - he ran out of gas for his ulu
This man traded us a crab for gas – he ran out of gas for his ulu

But those times are not now.  While I don’t consider our current lifestyle to be “cruisers”, on the other hand, we live on a boat with the freedom to move at any time. I must confess, I fail to understand the lack of tolerance among ourselves.  “If you’re not on the hook, you’re not a cruiser.”  “If you spend time at a dock, you’re not a cruiser.”  “If you live on a mooring ball in a ‘trailer park’, you’re not a cruiser.” Recently: “I’m not going to help with their autopilot problem, they live at a dock and they’re going to a dock when they get to the Bahamas.” Really? So what, who cares! Don’t we all have the same goals – enjoying life afloat?

Anchored off Glovers Reef Atoll, Belize
Anchored off Glovers Reef Atoll, Belize

Cruising grounds – and access to secure anchorages – often dictate the lifestyle.  While we’d prefer to be swinging to our trusty Spade Anchor in gin clear water with a snorkeling reef close by, we’d also prefer to be anchored somewhere with protection from wind and waves.  Even with clear sunny beautiful weather, it’s no fun for us these days to be rolling from rail to rail from left-over waves. With a 5 1/2 foot draft, finding protected anchorages in the Florida Keys is challenging.  But we keep our 5 1/2 foot draft oceangoing sailboat for future possibilities.

Our “family car” at the Josh Cay dinghy dock, Guanaja, Bay Islands, Honduras

On the other hand, it’s also no fun to be in a marina where most boats aren’t going anywhere. One of the things we really enjoy about Key West is our marina (I know … heresy, I can’t possibly enjoy a marina).  It provides a convenient base with shelter from northers … and in bad weather, we can roam freely ashore without having to brave big waves and a rolling boat.

The sunrise photo I was taking when the
Sunrise in the marina.

I can walk the entire marina barefoot, no need for shoes – even in the tiki bar & restaurant. Most of the boats here are cruisers taking a respite – almost everyone’s been somewhere and is getting ready to go somewhere else – in fact a couple of the boats we spent time with in the Western Caribbean are here doing a leisurely refit and working to restock the cruising kitty.

Anchored off our own
Anchored off our own “private” cay after dodging through “The Mine Field”. San Blas Islands, Panama

Dock gatherings are frequent, providing the opportunity to pick someone’s brain that just came from where you’re dreaming of going…. sometimes accompanied by music.   Manatees swim by every morning, sea turtles and dolphins are not strangers, I can walk to the shower (complete with unlimited hot water and water pressure!) and see sergeant majors and other brightly colored reef fishes nibbling on the vegetation on the bottom of the floating docks.  Almost every day we have Navy fighter jets streaking overhead, our own private airshow …

Underwater photo of a school of blue tangs. My photo yesterday would have been the same, but alas, no photos. Darn IPhone!
Underwater photo of a school of blue tangs off Western Sambo Reef, 5 miles from our marina … a pleasant daysail or even dinghy ride.

Plus it’s an easy base for anchoring out when winter weather permits …  the Marquesas are a 20 mile day sail, the Dry Tortugas are an overnight, or a stop in the Marquesas and two easy daysails.  The 10,000 Islands and the Everglades provide excellent all around protection if we want to sail north.  The Bahamas are within easy reach … and then there’s that “other” larger island off limits for now…  🙂

F18 Landing on Boca Chica Key, Naval Air Station Key West
F18 Landing on Boca Chica Key, Naval Air Station Key West

For now, lazy is just fine.  David can wear his shorts.   We can dinghy out to Western Sambo to go snorkeling in calm weather and still enjoy the Christmas lighted boat parade in Key West … while it’s blowing 30 – and we don’t even have to get wet dinghying in to the dinghy dock.  Oh yes, we may be guilty of “lazy” but life is good!

So, does cruising last forever?  Our experience would say “no”.  But your experiences may vary!  Thoughts?  Please leave a comment and share!  Cheers!  Jan


  1. Love everything about your blog! We love both anchoring and marinas. We don’t cruise any more, but still enjoy living aboard. The cruising lifestyle has led us to destinations we wouldn’t have visited otherwise.

  2. encapsulating provoking thoughts with a wordsmiths tools. thank you. I so enjoy your observations. Merry Christmas and blessings to you both.

  3. We hoped that cruising would last forever, well it does in one way or another. We may not cruise on the water any more but we do it on land in a motorcoach. Still miss being on the water but health does not permit it. We still enjoy every day to the fullest. Happy New Year.

    • Happy New Year Sandra! Actually we bought a small 20′ Lance 1685 travel trailer last year — the boat spoiled me for travel, I’m so used to traveling every with my home. But the boat can’t take us to the Nat’l Parks, so we bought the trailer. We spent 3 months exploring the 4 Corners (UT AZ CO NM) last year & loved it. Not the same as the boat, but a wonderful base to live life to the fullest! We have a blog on that too … Right now the posts are minimal since we’re on the boat, but when we’re in the trailer, posts are frequent. Commuter Cruisers doesn’t just mean boats anymore! 🙂 Cheers! Jan


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