Looking for Refrigerator Gaskets?

The compression gasket strips we bought from BA Refrigeration online.

While we were redoing our refrigerator seals, I found this place online.  They sell just about every refrigerator gasket in the universe, including replacement magnetic gaskets.  We bought compression gaskets for our “icebox” door, but the thinnest one was too thick for our top loading doors.  They come in bulk, but also in 8′ strips.  Our 8′ strips were $6.62 a strip.  The shipping was more than the gaskets.  🙁   But it worked well on the icebox door.  Too bad we can’t find something equally as good for the top loading doors.

refrigeratorsealsHere’s the link, every gasket has dimensions, just click the little drawing next to the photo.

BA Refrigeration

In addition to gaskets, they seem to have lots of parts for all kinds of appliances.  Maybe you’ll find something you need.

Does anyone else have places online they’ve found gaskets or replacement appliance parts?  Please leave a comment and share the information!



  1. I need to change the gasket on my icebox. Service maintenance from sears cost to much, I’d like to change it myself. Where can I get this gasket in Hawaii?

    • Hi Linell! Try Home Depot/Lowe’s or any local hardware/home improvement store. If they don’t have it, ask them for a recommendation on a local refrigeration place that might carry the gasket. And if that doesn’t work, google “refrigerator gasket” online – preferably with the make and model of your refrigerator included in the google search. You might have to order it, but it’ll be worthwhile after the project is complete! Cheers! Jan


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