10 Reasons We Hope The Boat Galley Cookbook Will Be Aboard Your Boat!


Just two days and The Boat Galley Cookbook will have been published and available for one years!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TBGC and THANKS to all those who have a copy!  If you don’t yet have a copy, the next three days will be devoted to celebrating our FIRST ANNIVERSARY, so hopefully something piques your interest and you get your own copy (and leave a review so others know what you think!).    ********

Both Carolyn & I are excited beyond imagination!  For years, we envisioned a cookbook/reference guide that would contain almost everything cruisers might need to know about cooking or a galley away from internet or other information sources.    Not just delicious recipes, but how to make them work with compromises and substitutions that are often a part of cruising life – especially away from US waters!

International Marine/McGraw Hill Publishing was able to turn our dream into reality!  We hope you use it daily and find it as helpful as it is for us (yes, we both use this book daily!).  And a HUGE thanks to everyone that’s been involved, but especially Molly Mulhern, our editor at International Marine, who believed in us and the concept for the book and has been beyond helpful every step of the way!   THANKS MOLLY!!!

Now for the good stuff — the reasons we hope The Boat Galley Cookbook will be aboard your boat!  If you don’t have one yet, click here for for places it’s available around the world!

You may notice from the following photos that The Boat Galley Cookbook is NOT chock full of enticing full color gorgeous food photography – that’s because we recognize how precious space is aboard and we designed The Boat Galley Cookbook to be a countertop book, not a coffee table book!

First, it needed to lay flat.

When we first envisioned the book, we envisioned a reference book that would contain as much information as we could possibly imagine a cruiser might ever need.  It started out as 336 pages, but because none of us had the heart to cut out some of what might be really critical information if you happened to need it, the book is now 441 pages!

The book needed to lay flat so recipes didn’t flip pages while I’m trying to cook.

Then it needed to be easy to find what I’m looking for

On the inside back cover is a list of every chapter with corresponding location tabs.

We particularly liked the way West Marine features tabs on their catalogs so you can easily flip to whatever section you might need.  The Boat Galley Cookbook has the same system!   Each page has a tab on the outside column with a corresponding tab on the inside back cover.  Anytime you’re looking for Substitutions, you can easily flip to the Substitutions chapter.  Likewise for Appetizers or Measurements & Conversions (when you’re cruising outside the US, you’ll need this info easily available).  Here’s another view:

The tab on each page listing the chapter and the chapter tabs lining the outside of the book.

There’s an entire section entitled Meal Ideas for the Boating Life which started off as Quick Reference Lists — “What can I possibly think up to make for lunch today”.   Or  “Crap, the never-ending boat project is almost done, but it’s already dark and what are we going to eat for dinner?”  Or “It’s too damn hot to eat, let alone cook!”   Even simple ideas including if your taste buds are calling for Asian, Mexican or Pasta dishes, there’s a list for that!   These Quick Reference Lists incorporate recipes into categories they might not normally fall into… all to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for — or ideas if you don’t have a clue, you just know you’re exhausted!

Plus, the book is chock full of the tips and practical advice you’ve become accustomed to on Carolyn’s website, TheBoatGalley.com.  Extensive new information such as how to convert recipe sizes, working with different pans, tips for using baking powder and baking soda.

More Extensive Tips such as you’ve become accustomed to from TheBoatGalley.com!
The Measurements & Conversions chapter features not only dry boring (but necessary) tables, but also practical tips and advice – estimating how much a  1/4 teaspoon might be before you add too much cayenne pepper!  🙂

The Provisioning and Equipping a Galley Chapters will answer many of your questions — and if you’re a newer cruiser, help you avoid many of the mistakes Carolyn & I made when we first started cruising!   Plus provide practical information such as these meat cut charts — in both Spanish and English — take the book with you and simply point to what you need!

Not only all the provisioning information we can think of, but also practical items like meat cut comparison charts.

Other chapters feature:

Canned Meats is not just for tuna any more! Although there are over 20 tuna recipes as well.
Not just one Barbeque Sauce — who knows what might sound good … or what you might have ingredients aboard for when you have a taste for BBQ!
An entire chapter devoted to Holiday Cheer, because we know how much cruisers enjoy any excuse for a little cheer!
Meatless Meals? We’ve included a chapter, especially as we’re moving away from eating so much meat with my David’s heart issues (Jan).

Plus, at the end of each and every chapter, we’ve included a Cross Reference List that features other recipes in the book that might have fallen into this chapter, but maybe somewhere else …   — of course, there’s an extensive Recipe Index at the end of the book, as well as a Topics Index which should guide you to whatever you’re looking for in the book!

If you have a copy already, please please please, head over to Amazon and leave a review.  We want to know what you think of the book, how you use it and even what you didn’t think was useful.  Click here to leave an Amazon review.  And if, by chance, you don’t have your own copy aboard, click here for a list of places you can get it — it’s available in 90 countries around the world!



  1. My husband and I love your cookbook! There isn’t a recipe that I’ve tried that we haven’t enjoyed. John said that we need to make sure we bring it home with us and not leave it on the boat (we are part time cruisers also). Thank you!


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