Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Why We Don’t Put a Name On Our Dinghy

Why don't we name our dinghy? It's a simple safety precaution!

Which Microwave Steamer Is Best?

Who knew my favorite old microwave steamer was unsafe, until I did some research for a new one for the trailer. I'm going to replace the one at the lake and the one on the boat with this one.

Chartering a Boat? 10 Mistakes To Avoid.

Things no one tells you that you need to know before a charter vacation. Don't spend hundreds of unplanned vacation dollars (& waste valuable vacation time) aground. Or waste a vacation day hunting a pumpout marina when your holding tank was half empty.

Dinner Cooks Itself. Thermal Cooker Aboard?

Dinner waiting when I'm exhausted from snorkeling all day, or hiking over a spectacular mountain pass? Yes, please!

I Need a Plan

Where to go? What to do? How's a Type A managing with our new "it's the journey, not the destination" philosophy?

12v Charging Electronics on the Water or Road

Figuring out how to power my MacBook Air, our phones and other gadgets with 12 volt plugs we had added to the travel trailer (already in the boat), was a challenge! So far, so good!

Pump Out vs Dump Station

Nautical terminology it seems is always more "romantic" than camping terminology!

30 Ideas for Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

Even though you'll probably never eat boneless skinless chicken breasts every night for a month, here's a month's worth of ideas so you'll never eat the same thing twice!

Coming Soon…..

Life is Good! Lots & lots of new adventures to come!

Anyone Lose a Mast?

Welcome back to the lake... Anyone lose a sailboat mast?