Don’t Forget the Sunscreen for Your Stuff!


We’re pretty good about remembering to slather on the SPF 15 or even 30 daily while cruising.  But we’re not so good about remembering to slather on the sunscreen for our stuff.

But just before we left, I remembered to take the kayaks off & treat them to 303 Aerospace Protectant, which bills itself as “sunscreen for your stuff”.  When we bought these plastic fantastic kayaks over 10 years ago, the kayak store told us they’d last “maybe 5-6 years” in the true tropical sun.  But they suggested we use 303 Aerospace SPF 40 to protect them from harmful UV rays.  And over 12 years later, the kayaks are almost as good as new — they may have a few more scratches from being dragged across tropical beaches and other exotic locales, but there is literally no UV deterioration to the plastic.

303 recommends re-applying the protectant every 3-5 weeks.  We use it on lots of stuff aboard – from the kayaks, to the AB RIB dinghy (inflatable tubes) to the Tohatsu gas can and Furuno radar dome – anything exposed and made of plastic or a composite, gets wiped down with 303…  but usually only every six months — before we leave to go cruising and after we return while putting the boat away for hurricane season.    I guess if we used it more often, it would be even better.  It’s quick & easy to apply, the hardest part is not getting too much on & then having to wipe it off 5 minutes later when it didn’t dry.  🙂

So what do you use 303 Aerospace Protectant for on your boat?  I’ve often thought of trying it on my varnish to give it more protection from the UV rays – anyone tried this & what were the results?   Please leave a comment & share!  Cheers!  Jan



  1. That is very important to apply some sort of screen that can protect your boat and some other stuff that you are carrying from direct sunlight. If you do take good care your boat will last long.


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