Sunday, March 9, 2025
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Teetering …. but Life Is Good!

We walked down the dock, and recoiled from the mess ... the boat was green, birdcrap everywhere, mold was all over the exterior white fiberglass, OMGoodness.... is it the worst time we've EVER returned to the boat?

Chris Parker’s New Schedule (and exciting SSB news!)

FYI - Chris Parker has exciting news about his newly renovated SSB setup! We often had trouble hearing him in Panama and other locales in the NW Caribbean. It shouldn't be a problem anymore! Here, directly from Chris' e-mail....

Quick Haul Out Checklist

We'll have to haul out again this spring  ... seems like we just did this.  Unfortunately our haul-outs are rarely quick.  But this spring,...

The Last Shower….

You don't think about a good hot shower until you leave a land-base to go cruising or camping. We have a new 12 star rating system for marina (and campground) showers. Check it out & help us compile 12 star shower facilities.

Transitions & Reflections…..

“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.” ― John Muir It's time for transitions and reflections ... see what we're up to day to day on our way back to the boat.

Do Cruising Boats Need Insurance?

Insurance ... to buy or not to buy ... every cruiser's conundrum. Some tips from our experience.

Why Sailing Into The Sunset Isn’t Forever

Recently friends told us "you need to get s/v Winterlude back to Bocas Del Toro (Panama) - the boats we originally went cruising with are gone"! Why cruisers choose to sell their boats.

Checklist to Leave the House

Fall is fast approaching meaning we'll be leaving the house for several months. Need a starter checklist for leaving the house?

The Sun Is Back!

Good Morning Sun! Nice to see you again!

#tbt Back in the Day…

Was there really navigation before GPS???