Picking a Marina To Leave Your Boat in Paradise


Commuter Cruising means you’re going to leave your boat somewhere … whether it’s just around the corner in your home marina … or you make the traumatic jump like we did to leave the country.   Realizing that we could never achieve our objective of the San Blas Islands in Panama and return to our US marina annually, we decided we’d leave the boat along the way, wherever we ended up after six months.  Lots of people ask if we were concerned about safety issues and other issues, but “knock on teak”, we’ve never had any problem that we haven’t experienced right here in the good ole USA as well.

Catamaran Island Hotel & Marina, RIo Dulce, Guatemala
Catamaran Island Hotel & Marina, Rio Dulce, Guatemala

Here’s a compilation of posts that I’ve done on leaving the boat, a subject near and dear to commuter cruiser’s hearts, including Free Downloadable PDF Checklists on lots of subjects; Leaving the Boat – what to do with the diesel, how to keep out critters & bugs, water tanks full or empty and more;  On The Hard or In The Water; Marinas; Hurricane Preparedness; and Returning to the Boat.  Scroll down to see the lists.

A Kuna Fisherman Offers a Crab in Exchange for a Gallon of Gas
A Kuna Fisherman Offers a Crab in Exchange for a Gallon of Gas

Hopefully you’ll find a useful tip, or at least some thought provoking information … and if you’re on the fence about whether you want to leave the US and go “commuter cruising” leaving the boat wherever you end up after six months … all I can say, is “GO NOW!!!”   You won’t regret it & you’ll have lifelong memories to cherish.  I know we do & hopefully we’ll have some more before we’re done Commuter Cruising!

Shelter Bay, Ft Sherman/Colon, Panama
Shelter Bay, Ft Sherman/Colon, Panama


I love checklists – and you can’t have enough of them aboard, especially if you’re not a regular commuter to your boat — anytime I do something twice a year, I’m bound to forget things.

On the Hard or In the Water?

Which is best, on the hard or in the water?  There are no right or wrong answers, but there are lots of considerations.


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